Monday, May 30, 2011


Listen to Music from @VGeorgeSmith and @NaySlay Here

Saturday, May 21, 2011

iRead- Dr. Chapman's 5 Love Languages

What’s your Love Language?

I read, The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Dr. Gary Chapman and loved it!!! I suggest that everyone who is in relationship or plans to be in one reads this book. I feel that its beneficial in all relationships not just the relationship of lovers but also friends and parents and co-workers. Dr. Chapman’s theory is that everyone speaks a Love Language and order to give and receive love effectively one must know their LL as well as the LL of the other person in the relationship. There are 5 LL.

1.     Word’s of Affirmation
2.     Quality Time
3.     Gifts
4.     Acts of Service
5.     Physical Touch

I won’t go into detail on each LL because I do want you all to read the book or at least putz around on the website On the site there is a quiz to help you decipher which LL you speak. There are also different versions of the book (sort of like the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series). Its a quick read and not only will it allow you to have better relationships with other people, it allows you to see yourself in a different light.

Happy reading!!! And happy loving!!!


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday's Words of Wisdom

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass,

It's about dancing in the rain."

Monday, May 16, 2011

Welcome Back!

*Cracks knuckles* 

Its been a while since I've had the time to blog but I have to say I've missed it. There is something liberating about being able to let your fingers flow and watch words, my words, appear in front of me and heck, the world **not that the world is reading.... yet :)** I won't dwell on the reasons I didn't write because they are not important. What is important, is that I am back and I am more excited than before to share new things with you. Wednesday's Words of Wisdom will be back starting 5-18-11 and its gonna be DEEEP. Lol.... Ok maybe not DEEEP but it will definitely leave you with something to ponder. I've got some new recipes and movie reviews up my sleeves as well. I may not know exactly what I want to do when I "grow up" but there is a lot going on in this noggin of mine. The purpose of this blog is to share and discuss an array of topics and stories that will inform, inspire and entertain you.  I hope you let me back on your computer screens and embark on this journey with me.