Tuesday, January 25, 2011

AE Fitness-Don't DIE with a DIE-T (diet)

Why is it so hard to get motivated to eat right and go to the gym? I could think of many many MANY reason why... but instead.... I decided I would beat the system. Here's the plan:
  • I got two of my very good friends who were also trying to lose/tone
  • Spoke daily about what we ate and when we were exercising
  • Together we decided to to go on a diet **THIS IS WHERE WE FAILED**
    • We were only allowed to vegetables (no potatoes) and fruits for breakfast
    • Water only
    • No gum, candy, mints
    • We could use condiments and seasonings in moderation
I am all for eating vegetables and fruits but I think that because we limited ourselves to vegetables only we did ourselves a disservice. Not only were we "starving" we only began to focus on what we could not have. Can you guess how long we lasted??? ....Two days. 

Here's what we learned about ourselves and dieting. 
  • We have much more willpower than we give ourselves credit for
  • We will find innovative ways to "cheat the system"... Pickles are cucumbers and plantains are bananas... right?!
  • Everything in moderation
    • Enjoy things that are good for you in a higher ratio than things that are bad for you
    • Eat less and exercise more
  • Mix up your exercise routines. *workout at home, shoveling this dreadful snow, and at the gym*
  • Its ok to reach out to friends when you are having a weak moment... (they might even tell you to indulge.
So to sum it up... Don't DIE-T. Find what works for you. We indeed shed a pound but we were miserable. That is just absurd!! Our whole purpose was to be healthy, and to feel and look better inside and out. Although we could have lost a decent amount of weight but that's only half the battle... being miserable is not healthy.

We still speak daily but we eat what we want... responsibly. 

Cheers to responsible eating and fun exercising. Cheers to us!

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